Ulysses 2 Cilt Takım

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Ulysses 2 Cilt Takım
Ulysses 2 Cilt Takım
Loosely based on the Odyssey, this landmark of modern literature follows ordinary Dubliners in 1904. Capturing a single day in the life of Dubliner Leopold Bloom, his friends Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus, his wife Molly, and a scintillating cast of supporting characters, Joyce pushes Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes. Captivating experimental techniques range from interior monologues to exuberant wordplay and earthy humor. A major achievement in 20th century literature.
Loosely based on the Odyssey, this landmark of modern literature follows ordinary Dubliners in 1904. Capturing a single day in the life of Dubliner Leopold Bloom, his friends Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus, his wife Molly, and a scintillating cast of supporting characters, Joyce pushes Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes. Captivating experimental techniques range from interior monologues to exuberant wordplay and earthy humor. A major achievement in 20th century literature.
Axess Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 63,75    63,75   
2 33,15    66,30   
3 22,53    67,58   
6 11,48    68,85   
9 7,79    70,13   
Bonus Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 63,75    63,75   
2 33,15    66,30   
3 22,53    67,58   
6 11,48    68,85   
9 7,79    70,13   
Paraf Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 63,75    63,75   
2 33,15    66,30   
3 22,53    67,58   
6 11,48    68,85   
9 7,79    70,13   
Maximum Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 63,75    63,75   
2 33,15    66,30   
3 22,53    67,58   
6 11,48    68,85   
9 7,79    70,13   
World Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 63,75    63,75   
2 33,15    66,30   
3 22,53    67,58   
6 11,48    68,85   
9 7,79    70,13   
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