The Man Who Could Not Lose / İngilizce Hikayeler C2 Stage 6

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The Man Who Could Not Lose / İngilizce Hikayeler C2 Stage 6
The Man Who Could Not Lose / İngilizce Hikayeler C2 Stage 6
Carter walked away with a ?urried, heated suffocation around his heart and a joyous lightness in his feet. Of the ?rst man he met he demanded, “Who was the beautiful girl in the rain-coat?” And when the man told him, Carter left him without speaking. For she was quite the richest girl in America. But the next day that fault seemed to distress her so little that Carter, also, refused to allow it to rest on his conscience, and they were very happy. And each saw that they were happy because they were together.
Carter walked away with a ?urried, heated suffocation around his heart and a joyous lightness in his feet. Of the ?rst man he met he demanded, “Who was the beautiful girl in the rain-coat?” And when the man told him, Carter left him without speaking. For she was quite the richest girl in America. But the next day that fault seemed to distress her so little that Carter, also, refused to allow it to rest on his conscience, and they were very happy. And each saw that they were happy because they were together.
Axess Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 19,00    19,00   
2 9,88    19,76   
3 6,71    20,14   
6 3,42    20,52   
9 2,32    20,90   
Bonus Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 19,00    19,00   
2 9,88    19,76   
3 6,71    20,14   
6 3,42    20,52   
9 2,32    20,90   
Paraf Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 19,00    19,00   
2 9,88    19,76   
3 6,71    20,14   
6 3,42    20,52   
9 2,32    20,90   
Maximum Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 19,00    19,00   
2 9,88    19,76   
3 6,71    20,14   
6 3,42    20,52   
9 2,32    20,90   
World Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 19,00    19,00   
2 9,88    19,76   
3 6,71    20,14   
6 3,42    20,52   
9 2,32    20,90   
Yorum yaz
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