Making Money in the Middle East and North Africa

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Damla Nur Şimşek
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Making Money in the Middle East and North Africa
Making Money in the Middle East and North Africa
Are you interested in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! Are you going to make investment in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! Are you worried about your companys investment in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! This book is meant for you! Are you working in a company, which invests in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! Do you have a career planning as manager in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! Dr. Özdeş Türkel is sharing with you his research of long years in the Middle East and North Africa. How is an investment made? How is a business established in the region? How are contacts made? What are the secrets of trade? What you should take care of? Simply read this book!
Are you interested in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! Are you going to make investment in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! Are you worried about your companys investment in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! This book is meant for you! Are you working in a company, which invests in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! Do you have a career planning as manager in the Middle East and North Africa? Look closer! Dr. Özdeş Türkel is sharing with you his research of long years in the Middle East and North Africa. How is an investment made? How is a business established in the region? How are contacts made? What are the secrets of trade? What you should take care of? Simply read this book!
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Bonus Kartlar
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Tek Çekim 23,15    23,15   
2 12,04    24,08   
3 8,18    24,54   
6 4,17    25,00   
9 2,83    25,47   
Paraf Kartlar
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Tek Çekim 23,15    23,15   
2 12,04    24,08   
3 8,18    24,54   
6 4,17    25,00   
9 2,83    25,47   
Maximum Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 23,15    23,15   
2 12,04    24,08   
3 8,18    24,54   
6 4,17    25,00   
9 2,83    25,47   
World Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 23,15    23,15   
2 12,04    24,08   
3 8,18    24,54   
6 4,17    25,00   
9 2,83    25,47   
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