Internet Safety

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Internet Safety
Internet Safety
Computers are great! They can do many neat things. Not only can you find information about anything and everything you could ever imagine but you can talk to people online that you don't even know. But like all great things there are a bunch of rules that everybody, especially kids should follow, although not everybody does… Our main character thought that rules were a waste of time and she didn't understand what the big deal was if she chatted with people she didn't know online. She felt so safe and comfortable sitting behind the computer screen in her very own home that she let her guard down and might have given out too much information about herself. Then one day during a soccer game at school, she heard a stranger call out to her from across the field. She knew right away that something was wrong and at that moment she finally realized that some rules were not meant to be broken and that safety came first!
Computers are great! They can do many neat things. Not only can you find information about anything and everything you could ever imagine but you can talk to people online that you don't even know. But like all great things there are a bunch of rules that everybody, especially kids should follow, although not everybody does… Our main character thought that rules were a waste of time and she didn't understand what the big deal was if she chatted with people she didn't know online. She felt so safe and comfortable sitting behind the computer screen in her very own home that she let her guard down and might have given out too much information about herself. Then one day during a soccer game at school, she heard a stranger call out to her from across the field. She knew right away that something was wrong and at that moment she finally realized that some rules were not meant to be broken and that safety came first!
Axess Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 90,00    90,00   
2 46,80    93,60   
3 31,80    95,40   
6 16,20    97,20   
9 11,00    99,00   
Bonus Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 90,00    90,00   
2 46,80    93,60   
3 31,80    95,40   
6 16,20    97,20   
9 11,00    99,00   
Paraf Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 90,00    90,00   
2 46,80    93,60   
3 31,80    95,40   
6 16,20    97,20   
9 11,00    99,00   
Maximum Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 90,00    90,00   
2 46,80    93,60   
3 31,80    95,40   
6 16,20    97,20   
9 11,00    99,00   
World Kartlar
Taksit Sayısı Taksit tutarı Genel Toplam
Tek Çekim 90,00    90,00   
2 46,80    93,60   
3 31,80    95,40   
6 16,20    97,20   
9 11,00    99,00   
Yorum yaz
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